Nas dve


Petak, 9. decembar 16:00 Klubić Doma omladine Beograda

Ljubav – naš heroj – živi sama na ostrvu gde sve životinje imaju partnera. Kako god da traži sebe u dušama okolnih životinja, bori se da pronađe jednu sličnu. Jednog dana, ona dobija ideju da otkine svoju ruku, poseje je, zalije i očekuje da joj postane partner. I tako ona radi, sa strpljenjem zaliva, obrezuje ruku, sve dok ne postane druga ona. Dok se zajedno pretvaraju u razna stvorenja, san se raspada, Ljubav shvata da je samo zamislila sve što se dogodilo, tako da njena ruka ostaje samo posejana u zemlji, a ona mora da se suoči sa istinom i usamljenošću.

Two of Us

Love – our hero – lives by herself on an island where all animals have partners. Anyhow she seeks for herself in the souls of the surrounding animals, she struggles to find one alike. One day, she gets the idea to rip off her own arm, seed it, water it, and expect it to grow a partner. And so she does, with patience she waters, crops the arm, until it becomes another one of her, as they morph into various creatures together the dream falls apart, Love realises that she merely imagined all that happened, so her arm would still be just seeded in the ground, she must face the truth and loneliness.