Režija: Venci D. Kostov
Uloge: Dimitar Nikolov, Bozhidar Asenov, Dimitar Banenkin, Stoyan Radev, Stefan Denolyubovo
Zemlja: Španija, Bugarska
Godina: 2023.
Trajanje: 109
Igrani film
U jednom bugarskom planinskom selu, gde predrasude tinjaju, započinje letnja romansa između dva momka iz različitih svetova. Viktor (27) ima lep život u Madridu sa svojim partnerom Hozeom. Vraća se u svoj rodni kraj u Bugarskoj zbog sahrane svog dede i odlučuje da ostane tokom leta. Dok ponovo uspostavlja vezu sa svojim ocem i životom u selu, neočekivano pronalazi ljubav u liku Ljubena, 18-godišnjeg Roma. Uprkos njihovim razlikama i sukobima oko njih, Viktor i Ljuben nalaze utočište jedan u drugom.
Director: Venci D. Kostov
Cast: Dimitar Nikolov, Bozhidar Asenov, Dimitar Banenkin, Stoyan Radev, Stefan Denolyubovo
Country: Spain, Bulgaria
Year: 2023
Duration: 109
Feature film
In a Bulgarian mountain village, where prejudice simmers, a summer romance begins between two boys from different worlds. Victor (27) has a nice life in Madrid with his partner, Jose. He returns to his childhood home in Bulgaria for his grandfather’s funeral, and decides to stay for the summer. While reconnecting with his father and the village way of life, he unexpectedly finds love in the form of Liuben, an 18-year-old Roma boy. Despite their differences, and the conflicts around them, Victor and Liuben find refuge in each other.