Sopstveni život


Režija: Tim Dekkers

Zemlja: Holandija

Godina: 2023

Trajanje: 80

Dokumentarni film

Podaci prikupljeni putem holandskog broja za hitne slučajeve, 113 Prevencija samoubistava, pokazuju da je skoro polovina pripadnika holandske LGBTQI+ zajednice tokom života imala suicidalne misli. Ovo je alarmantan broj, znatno viši u poređenju sa heteroseksualnom populacijom. Kroz priče troje protagonista, Tim Dekkers nastoji da razbije tabu o samoubistvu, istovremeno osvetljavajući strašne posledice koje odrastanje u homo-transfobičnom društvu može imati.

Their Own Life

Director: Tim Dekkers

Country: Netherlands

Year: 2023

Duration: 80

Documentary film

Data collected by the Netherland emergency number, 113 Suicide Prevention, show that nearly half the members of the Dutch LGBTQI+ community have had suicidal thoughts during their lives. This is an alarming number, significantly higher than that of the heterosexual population. Through the words of the three protagonists, Tim Dekkers tries to cancel the taboo on suicide, highlighting the terrible consequences that growing up in a homotransphobic society can have.