Pierre Guiho

Pierre Guiho has a preference for a cinema that shows over a cinema that explains. Believing in the power of fiction, he makes stories outside of the world with people performing sidestep. Inspired by architecture and bodies moving around space, wandering in the themes of desire and frustration, he approaches cinema as an art of observation. After studying french literature and direction and editing, he co-directs a first short film with the help of G.R.E.C. ("Jamin", 1989), and then contributes to the writing of two TV films ("Lettre ouverte à Lili" and "La guerre des poux") between 1995 and 1996. In 1997, he is the co-winner of a contest made for the production of ten short films, L’@mour est a réinventer with the screenplay "Pregnant or lesbian". Then, he moves away from cinema for a while by working as a graphic designer. He reconnects in 2007 with the creation of a cinema critic blog, "Persistance Rétinienne", next to the activity of editor for "Culturopoing". Since 2019, he works aside Antony Hickling on several projects of writing. One of them, "Down in Paris", shot in 2020, is presented in competition for the 27th edition of the Chéries-Chéris Festival (Paris, November, 2021) for its french premiere. To Pierre Guiho, the direction of "Fabien, auxiliaire de vie", first short film on his own, equals eventually to a recovery : he starts over where he has stopped.


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