Do dana kad sam je nazvao sinom
Režija: Ayumi Kurokawa
Zemlja: Japan
Godina: 2024.
Trajanje: 26
Kratki film
Shota živi kao muškarac, ali nakon određenog incidenta, otuđuje se od svog oca koji živi na selu. Dok preispituje odnos sa svojom partnerkom Emi i svojom porodicom, Shota počinje da razmišlja o konceptu porodice kakav je prihvaćen u modernom društvu i istražuje šta zaista znači pripadati.
Until the day I call her my son
Director: Ayumi Kurokawa
Country: Japan
Year: 2024
Duration: 26
Short film
Shota lives as a man, but following a certain incident, he becomes estranged from his father, who resides in the countryside. As he navigates his relationship with his partner Emi and his family, Shota begins to question the concept of family as accepted by modern society and explores what it truly means to belong.