Ljubav. Mržnja. Ponos.

Režija: Boja Božo Vasić

Zemlja: Kanada, Srbija

Godina: 2024

Trajanje: 40 minuta

Kratki dokumentarni film

Ovaj dokumentarac istražuje ljudsku borbu za toleranciju i prihvatanje LGBT osoba u Beogradu. Prati pripreme za Paradu ponosa 2014. godine, spajajući lične priče i istorijski kontekst. Film daje glas potisnutoj LGBT zajednici, osvetljavajući njihove svakodnevne izazove i teškoće odrastanja u društvu koje ih odbacuje. Istovremeno, suočava se s perspektivama nacionalista, neonacista i pravoslavnih ekstremista, pružajući nefiltriran uvid u mržnju koju gaje i prepreke s kojima se LGBT aktivisti suočavaju u borbi za ravnopravnost.

Love. Hate. Pride.

Director: Boja Božo Vasić

Country: Canada, Serbia

Year: 2024

Duration: 40 minutes

Short Documentary

This documentary delves into the human struggle for tolerance and acceptance of LGBT people in Belgrade, Serbia. It follows the preparations for the 2014 Belgrade Pride Parade, intertwining personal stories and historical context. By amplifying the voices of the oppressed LGBT community, the film sheds light on their daily struggles and the challenges of growing up in a society that rejects them. It also confronts the perspectives of nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and Orthodox extremists, offering an unfiltered look at the hatred they harbor and the obstacles LGBT activists face in their fight for equality.