Mesta koja sam zvala svojim

Režija: Sushma Khadepaun

Zemlja: Indija

Godina: 2023

Trajanje: 29

Kratki film

Nakon nekoliko godina provedenih u SAD, Tara se, usred procesa vantelesne oplodnje, vraća u Indiju na sahranu svog oca. Tamo zatiče majku koja poriče njenu seksualnu orijentaciju, bivšu devojku koja je izgradila novi život s muškarcem, i očevu senku koja i dalje lebdi nad domom.

Places I’ve called my own

Director: Sushma Khadepaun

Country: India

Year: 2023

Duration: 29

Short film

After several years in the US, Tara, in the midst of her IVF process, returns to India for the funeral of her father. There, she finds a mother in denial about her sexual orientation, an ex-girlfriend who has rebuilt her life with a man, and the shadow of the paterfamilias that continues to hang over the home.