Noć u apartmanu
Režija: Mahtab Pishghadam
Zemlja: Iran
Godina: 2022
Trajanje: 13 min
Kratki film
Jasi i Raha su dve devojke odbačene od svih i celog sveta. Jasi oseća snažnu potrebu da vidi Raho pre nego što bude stavljena u samicu, nadajući se da će izbeći pogubljenje. Međutim, više od smrti, Raho plaše glasine da, ako je osuđena žena devica, njenu nevinost mora da oduzme muškarac…
Suite Night
Director: Mahtab Pishghadam
Country: Iran
Year: 2022
Duration: 13
Short film
Yasi and Raha, two girls rejected by everyone and by the whole world. Yasi has the urge to see Raha before being put in solitary confinement, hoping to escape execution. More than by death, Raha is terrified by rumours saying that if a condemned woman is a virgin, her virginity must be taken by a man…