Režiser: Adam Kalderon
Zemlja: Izrael
Trajanje: 90 minuta
Igrani film
Kupaće gaće, voda, želja… i samo jedna karta za Olimpijadu. Erez, zvezda u usponu na izraelskoj plivačkoj sceni, stiže u zabačeni trening kamp koji se održava u internatu, gde onaj ko pobedi na takmičenju dobija ulaznicu za Olimpijske igre. Tamo upoznaje prelepog i talentovanog Neva, koji u njemu budi podsvesne želje. Međutim, njihov trener plivanja ne veruje u prijateljstvo među takmičarima. Upozoren da se kloni Neva, Ereza on i dalje previše privlači. Između treninga, on pokušava da prati svoja osećanja i shvata da je osvajanje medalje manje važno od osvajanja Nevovog srca.
The swimmer
Director: Adam Kalderon
Country of Origin: Israel
Duration: 90 minutes
Featured films
Speedos, water, desire… and only one ticket to the Olympics. Erez, a rising star in the Israeli swimming scene, arrives at a godforsaken training camp held in a boarding school, where the one to win the competition gets a ticket to the Olympics. There he meets the beautiful and talented Nevo, who awakens subconscious desires in him. However, their swimming coach does not believe in friendship between competitors. Warned to stay away from Nevo, Erez is still too attracted to him. In between practices, he attempts to act upon his feelings and understands that winning a medal is less important than winning Nevo’s heart.