To je nase dijete


PONEDELJAK 7.2.2011. (17:00)
That’s our child
Director / Režija: Elma Islamović
BIH, 2010
Duration / Trajanje: 15 min.

Saša, Aleks, Jasenko i Alma su gej osobe koje žive u Sarajevu i Tuzli, pričaju o procesu njihovog “coming out”-a, odnosu sa roditeljima, prijateljima, momcima/devojkama. Sašini roditelji su ga odbacili kao sina, i tri godine nemaju nikakav kontakt sa njim. Aleks još uvek treba da kaže ocu da je počeo sa procesom promene pola.

Saša, Alex, Jasenko and Alma are gay people living in Sarajevo and Tuzla, talking about their “coming out” process, relationships with parents, friends and boyfriends/girlfriends. Saša’s parents have rejected him as their son, and for three years he doesn’t have any contact with them. Alex still needs to tell his father he has started sex transition change.