Režija: Astar Elkayam
Uloge: Agam Schuster, Mor Polanuer, Naama Preis
Zemlja: Izrael
Godina produkcije: 2021.
Trajanje: 80 min.
Lezbejski par sanja o tome da ima bebu. Bar prima antidepresive tako da će njena partnerka Omer nositi trudnoću. Njihovo putovanje počinje sa mnogo uzbuđenja i sigurnosti da će njihova ljubav prevazići sve prepreke. Međutim, mnogi neuspešni postupci inseminacije utiču na njihovu vezu. Omer postaje napeta, a Bar je frustrirana svojom ulogom u procesu.
A female couple dreams of having a baby. Bar, (35) a chef, is treated with antidepressants so her partner, Omer (32) a dancer, is the one to get pregnant. Their journey starts with a lot of excitement and they are certain their love will overcome all obstacles. However, many unsuccessful insemination treatments affect their relationship. Omer becomes edgy and Bar is getting frustrated due to her place in the process.