Varljiva svetlost


Subota, 10. decembar 18:30 Velika sala Doma omladine Beograda

Godina je 2069. i Kraljevina Portugal je u opasnosti da izgubi svog vladara. Njegovo Veličanstvo Alfredo je na samrti, a kraljevski unuk trči okolo zaokupljen sićušnim modelom vatrogasnog vozila. Krhki Alfredo je stoga uljuljkan živopisnim uspomenama na svoju mladost i bezgraničnom maštom. On se priseća vremena kada je, kao mladi princ odlučio da napusti raskošno porodično imanje, ispunjeno raskošnim kolonijalnim nasleđem i uđe u stvarni svet. Vreme kada je gledao kako ogromni požari gore kroz portugalske šume i, savladan tugom za životnom sredinom, odlučio je da preuzme uzde u svoje ruke – i postao je dobrovoljni vatrogasac. I o vremenu kada je u brigadi pronalazio ne samo slobodu i zadovoljstvo, već i senzualnu igru, pesmu, ljubavi goruću privlačnost.


The year is 2069 and the Kingdom of Portugal is in danger of losing its ruler. His Majesty Alfredo is on his deathbed, with a royal grandson running around preoccupied by a tiny model of a fire truck. The frail Alfredo is therefore lulled by the colourful memories of his youth and his boundless imagination. He recalls the time when, as a young prince, he decided to leave the ritzy family manor, filled with lavish colonial heritage, and enter the real world. A time when he watched massive fires burn through Portuguese forests and, overcome by environmental grief, he decided to take the reins into his own hands – and became a volunteer firefighter. And of a time when he found not only freedom and satisfaction in the brigade, but also sensual dancing, singing, love and burning attraction.