Truth Takes Time


Režija / Director: Ellie Krnich
USA, (2011) 12 min.

„Truth Take Time“ je priča o odrastanju i prihvatanju sebe i voleti sebe onakvim kakvi jeste. Film prati delove iz Allienog života, queer žene koja trenutno prolazi kroz promene u svom životu. Ova animirana priča istražuje putovanje na koje svi idemo ako smo dovoljno hrabri da sebi dozvolimo da živimo autentično.

Truth Takes Time

„Truth Takes Time“ is a coming of age ‘motion storybook’ about the trials and tribulations of loving yourself as you are. It follows excerpts in the life of Allie, a queer femme currently transitioning in all aspects of ther life. This animated short explores the journey we all face when we are brave enough to let ourselves live authentically.