Kad izađem… budi tu


Kratki dokumentarni film
Režija: Živojin Čelić
Srbija (Srpski)
Trajanje: 23 minuta

Film je sačinjen od razgovora sa deset osoba, koje govore o svom doživljaju coming outa. Fokus je na emociji kroz koju su LGBT osobe prošle u trenutku kada su imali potrebu da se “otvore”, ali i oni mladi ljudi koji su bili u prilici da tu želju prepoznaju kod svojih prijatelja. Strepnja, strah, neizvesnost, odbacivanje, zbunjenost, zagrljaj, … su osećanja koja se smenjuju kod sagovornika. Ova različitost prepoznavanja daje dinamiku filma, koja je dodatno pojačana efektnim kratkim rezovima. Kod nekih je “autovanje” bilo jednostavno, čak duhovito, a kod drugih je to bio mučan i veoma bolan trenutak. Ispovesti su jedinstvene, ali istovremeno i sa mnogo klišea kroz koje inače prolaze LGBT osobe. Njihove individualni stavovi se u filmu ponekada “sukobljavaju”, pa učesnici debatuju sa sagovornikom koji zapravo nije prisutan.

zivojin-celicŽivojin Čelić

Živojin Čelić, rođen u Prištini 1966. godine. Fakultet dramskih umetnosti studirao u Beogradu. Profesionalno se slikom bavi više od 30 godina. Autor je mnogih televizijskih projekata, realizovanih na RTS-u i komercijalnim televizijama u Srbiji i regionu. Za dokumentaristički rad, kao autor i producent, nagrađivan je na domaćim i festivalima u Svetu. Najznačajnije nagrade u karijeri su mu: „Zlatna medalja Beograda“, za najbolji film u svim kategorijama, na Festivalu dokumentarnog i kratkometražnog filma, „Zlatna maslina“, za najbolji program u celini, na Međunarodnom festivalu u Baru, „Zlatna medalja“ za najbolju produkciju, na festivalu u Parmi – Italija, „Nagrada žirija“, za režiju, na festivalu dokumentarnog filma Ismailija – Egipat… Živojin Čelić živi i radi u Beogradu, osnivač je i izvršni direktor produkcije neprofitnog filmskog i tv programa Vesta.

Zivojin Celic, was born in Pristina in 1966. Studied at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Professionally engaged in photography, tv and movies, more than 30 years. He is the author of many television projects, implemented on RTS and commercial TV stations in Serbia and the region. For documentary work as an author and producer, he was awarded on national and festivals in the world. The most important awards in his career, “Gold Medal Belgrade” for the best film in all categories, the Festival of Documentary and Short Film Festival, “Golden Olive”, for the best program in its entirety, at the International Festival in Bar, “Gold Medal” for the best productions, the festival in Parma – Italy, “jury Award” for Best director at the festival of documentary film Ismailia – Egypt … Zivojin Celic lives and works in Belgrade, he is founder and executive director of the non-profit production of film and TV programs Vesta.

When I come out… Be there (2016)

Short documentary
Director: Živojin Čelić
Serbia (Serbian)
Duration: 23′

Movie was conducted by interviewing 10 people who are talking about their coming out experience. Focus is on emotions these LGBT people had in their coming out process and on their friends who were their to support them. Fear, anticipation, rejection, confussion, hugs… are one of the feelings that will be shown in these interviews. These variety of feelings and emotions are giving the dinamic of entire project – amplified with effective short cuts and transitions. Some of them had a very simple, even funny coming out story and experience, while some of them faced a painfull and very hurtfull one. These confessions are unique stories, but on other hand are filled with a lot of cliches that LGBT people are faced along the way. Their individual stands and opinions are at some points conflicting, which makes the speakers confront their friends who are not present.