Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami


Sreda, 13. decembar 2017. 21:00 Velika sala Doma omladine Beograda (Nakon svečanog zatvaranja)

Cena ulaznice: 300 dinara (ili propusnica za sve dane festivala) Više informacija

Grejs Džons
Sophie Fiennes
SAD, Velika Britanija, Irska
115 min.

„Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami“ predstavlja uzbudljivo putovanje kroz nastupe, javni i privatni život pop ikone Grace Jones. Njena smela estetika odzvanja kroz čitav film tokom kojeg režiserka Sophie Fiennes stvara snažno filmsko iskustvo naizmeničnim smenjivanjem muzičkih sekvenci i intimnih privatnih snimaka koji nam otkrivaju lice koje se krije iza maske ikone.

Sophie Fiennes je režiserka koja je u radu na dokumentarcima „The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema“ (2006), and „The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology“ (2012) sarađivala sa Slavojem Žižekom, zatim je prikazala nemačkog umetnika Anselma Keifera u filmu „Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow“ (2010) da bi u svom poslednjem filmu „Grace Jones; Bloodlight and Bami“ (2017) osvetlila život slavne pop ikone i pevačice Grace Jones. Ovaj film je nastao na tragu njenog prvog dokumentarca „Hoover Street Revival“ (2001) koji se bavio životom u pentekostalnoj crkvenoj zajednici u Los Anđelesu u kojoj je propovednik bio Noel Jones, brat Grace Jones.

Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami
Sophie Fiennes
USA, UK, Ireland
115 min

Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami is an electrifying journey through the performance, private and public worlds of pop cultural icon Grace Jones. Jones’ bold aesthetic echoes throughout the film as director Sophie Fiennes creates a powerful cinematic experience, contrasting musical sequences with intimate personal footage and reaching beyond the iconic mask.

Sophie Fiennes is a film director whose feature documentaries for theatrical exhibition include her collaborations with the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema (2006), and The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology (2012), her portrait of German artist Anselm Keifer, Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow (2010), and her most recent film Grace Jones; Bloodlight and Bami (2017), an observational odyssey into the world of the iconic singer and performer. This project came about following Fiennes’ first feature documentary Hoover Street Revival (2001) about a Pentecostal church community in Los Angeles, and the sermons of its preacher, Bishop Noel Jones, brother of Grace Jones.