Antony Hickling Retrospective
Antony Hickling Retrospektiva
Cena karte: Dnevna karta 250 din.
Reditelj Antony Hickling i glumac Gaëtan Vettier biće prisutni
17.30 One Deep Breath
18:30 Little Gay Boy
20:00 Where Horses Go to Die
21:10 Razgovor sa rediteljem: Antony Hickling
21:30 Frig
Antony Hickling je prvi internacionalni gost koji je posetio Merlinka festival 2012. godine kada je predstavio svoj kratki film “Little Gay Boy Christ is Dead”. Od tada Antony je bio jako vredan i kreativan i snimio je više od deset igranih, dokumentarnih i kratkih filmova. Tokom 11. Merlinka festivala u Beogradu u petak, 6. decembra od 17 časova u Sali Amerikana u Domu omladine Beograda organizovaćemo njegovu retrospektivu i prikazati igrane filmove “Little Gay Boy” (2013), “One Deep Breath” (2014), “Where Horses Go to Die” (2016) i “Frig” (2018).
Njegove filmove karakteriše religijska simbolika i eksplicitni seksualni prikazi koji često brišu granicu između preteranog nadrealizma i realizma. Njegovi radovi odaju počast dugoj tradiciji evropskog Arh house filma i upoređivan je sa Derekom Jarmanom, Peterom Greenawaem i Pierom Paolom Pasolinijem. Njegovi filmovi su prikazivani na queer festivalima širom sveta.
U subotu, 7. decembra 2019. od 16:00 u sali Amerikana, Antony Hickling i Gaëtan Vettier će održati masterclass Dealing with nudes in cinema iz perspektive reditelja i glumca. (Na engleskom jeziku bez prevoda)
Antony Hickling Retrospective
Ticket price: Daily ticket 250 RSD
Director Antony Hickling and actor Gaëtan Vettier will be present
17.30 One Deep Breath
18:30 Little Gay Boy
20:00 Where Horses Go to Die
21.10 Q&A
21:30 Frig
Antony Hickling was the first international quests to visit Merlinka festival in 2012 when he presented his short film “Little Gay Boy Christ is Dead”. Since then, Antony has been very hardworking and creative and has made mayn feature, documentary and short films. During the 11th Merlinka festival in Belgrade on Friday, December 5th from 6pm in the Americana Hall the Belgrade Youth Center, we will organize his retrospective and screen films “Little Gay Boy” (2013), “One Deep Breath” (2014), “Where Horses Go To Die” (2016) and “Frig” (2018).
Antony Hickling is an English/French independent film maker, actor and writer born in South Africa, Johannesburg. He grew up in the UK and trained as an actor at Manchester University (Arden School of Theatre). He went on to study for his master’s degree then doctorate in Arts of the Stage at Paris 8 University, his main focus on “Queer arts”. After several years of study he left his doctorate unfinished in order to pursue a career in cinema. After training at CEFPF film school Paris he went on to direct films related to his research on Queer . His films have been screened in LGBTQ film festivals worldwide. Hickling’s films are characterized by religious symbolism and explicit, sexual representations, often blending the boundaries between overesthetized surrealism and realism. His works pay tribute to and are in the long tradition of European Art House cinema and have been compared to Derek Jarman, Peter Greenaway, and Pier Paolo Pasolini. He continues to work as an actor specializing in voice over and has provided voices in advertising, video games, cartoons and animation movies.
SATURDAY, 7 DECEMBER 2019 – Antony Hickling and Gaëtan Vettier MASTERCLASS – Dealing with nudes in cinema