The Snail



Kratki film

Režija: Mohammad Torivarian

Iran, 2017.

Trajanje: 11 min.

Tri mlada momka iz Irana zajedno sa krijumčarem u tajnosti prelaze iransko-tursku granicu. Krijumčar prebacuje preko granice samo muškarce. U sred puta, on naprasno shvata da je jedan od putnika hermafrodit.

The Snail

Short film

Director: Mohammad Torivarian

Iran, 2017

Duration: 11 min

Three young Iranian boys along with a smuggler are clandestinely smuggling across the Iran-Turkey border. The smuggler only passes men through the border. In the middle of the way, he suddenly realizes that one of the passengers is hermaphrodite.


Mohammad Torivarian

I was born in Iran in 1992 in Sanadaj city. I grew up in Sanandaj and my native language is Kurdish. In 2008 I graduated from high school in Industrial Power. I started cinema activity from 2007.I made 8 short films and documentaries and I have been in more than 40 cinematic and short films as sound recorder and bom Sound assistant and assistant Director.