Each and Every Night


Svake noći
Animirani kratki film
Režiser: Džuli Robert
Francuska, 2020.
Trajanje: 12 minuta

Od detinjstva, Lea viđa sablasnog jelena koji lebdi oko nje. Sad kad je u vezi sa Mod, vizije se pogoršavaju. Kako može dokazati svojoj devojci i samoj sebi da je ovo pravi problem sa kojim se treba pozabaviti?

Each and Every Night
Animated short film
Director: Julie Robert
France, 2020
Duration: 12

Since childhood, Lea has been seeing ghostly deer looming around her. Now that she is in a relationship with Maud, the visions are getting worse. How can she prove to her girlfriend, and to herself, that this is a real problem to be dealt with?