Nedelja, 10. decembar 2017. Maraton kratkog filma 13:00-00:00
Cena ulaznice: 300 dinara (ili propusnica za sve dane festivala) Više informacija
Ulaznica važi za ceo maraton (publika može da dolazi i napušta projekcije tokom trajanja maratona)
Režija: Jake Graf
Velika Britanija, 2017.
15 min.
Odrastajući u netolerantnom i neinformisanom svetu Engleske pedesetih godina prošlog veka mladi Chris Winters se trudi da se uklopi u rodne uloge koje takvo društvo nameće. Nakon što teško detinjstvo ostavi iza sebe za njega nastupaju malo svetliji dani kada upozna Juliju, ženu iz snova. Međutim, progoni ga sve snažnije osećanje kako živi neispunjen život. Neprekidno zamišljajući šta bi moglo biti Chirs biva pogođen spoznajom kako za neke životne odluke nema ispravnog rešenja, a upravo nas ona definišu.
Jake Graf je scenarista, glumac i režiser iz Londna poznat po filmovima „Brace“ (2014), „Chance“ (2015), „Dawn“ (2016), „The Danish Girl“ (2016), „Headspace“ (2017) i „Dusk“ (2017). Svi ovi filmovi se koriste kao nastavno sredstvo na univerzitetima, medijskim događajima i bolnicama širom sveta. Film „Dusk“ je osvojio više od petnaest nagrada na festivalima. Jake je aktivan član trans zajednice, često drži predavanja koja se odnose na trans pitanja povezana sa filmom i medijima.
Director: Jake Graf
UK, 2017
15 min
Growing up in 1950s England in an intolerant and uninformed world, young Chris Winters struggles to fit into the gender roles dictated by wider society. A more than tough childhood left behind, Chris meets dream woman Julie, and life lightens a little, but the growing feeling that theirs is a life half lived haunts Chris. Endlessly imagining what might have been, Chris is finally struck by the realisation that for some decisions there is no right answer, and that it’s those that truly define us.
Jake Graf is a writer, director and actor based in London known for ‘Brace’ (2014), ‘Chance’ (2015), ‘Dawn’ (2016), ‘The Danish Girl’ (2016), ‘Headspace’ (2017) and ‘Dusk’ (2017). All of his films are used as educational tools in universities, media events, and hospitals worldwide. Jake’s latest film, ‘Dusk’, has won 15 Best Short Film awards so far. He has just written and starred in 8 part web series ‘Spectrum’, is starring in upcoming drama series ‘Different For Girls’, and is currently writing a television drama pilot. Jake is an active and visible member of the transgender community, speaking internationally on trans issues, particularly in relation to film and media. He is a patron for the Mermaids Charity which helps trans and gender non-conforming children and their families, and an ambassador for the British LGBT Awards, the BeingMe campaign, and Stonewall.
DUSK TRAILER from Jake Graf on Vimeo.