Polako, tigre
Nedelja, 11. decembar 16:30 Velika sala Doma omladine Beograda
Neočekivani trenutak u seansi sa klijentom suočava psihologa sa sopstvenim unutrašnjim svetom. Otuđen izolacijom svog naizgled savršenog gradskog života, psiholog se susreće sa ekstremnom nesposobnošću da razume i prihvati sopstvenu ljudsku prirodu. Njegove neizbežne želje za muškim klijentom primoravaju psihologa da pogleda ko on ne želi da bude. To je jedini način da sazna ko je on zaista. “Polako, tigre” je intimni portret ranjivog muškarca tokom prave i nepremostive romanse. Ovaj autorski film ispituje kako se filmski medij može obeležiti i iskoristiti da se fizičkost postavi kao narativ ispred objektiva, i kako isto audiovizuelno delo može da pruži, koliko je to moguće, isto iskustvo kako gledaocima koji čuju, tako i onima koji ne/delimično čuju.
Easy Tiger
An unexpected moment in a session with a client confronts a psychologist with his own inner world. Alienated by the isolation of his seemingly perfect city life, the psychologist encounters an extreme inability to understand and embrace his own human nature. His inescapable desires for his male client force the psychologist to look at who he does not want to be. It is the only way that he can find out who he really is. EASY TIGER is an intimate portrait of a vulnerable man during a true and insurmountable romance. This author’s film examines how the medium of film can be commemorated and used to place physicality as a narrative in front of the lens, and how the same audiovisual work can provide, as much as possible, the same experience for both hearing and non/partially-hearing viewers.