HIV! Hey, it’s Viral


Režija / Director: Salome Chasnoff
SAD, 20 min.

HIV: Hey, It’s Viral! je revolucionarni seks-pozitivni video koji se bavi HIV/AIDS prevencijom i aktivizmom iz perspektive mladih. Video prikazuje mladim ljudima šta je HIV, kako se prenosi, kako se može sprečiti – predan sa puno zabavne muzike i animacija koje ilustruju informacije o HIV/AIDS. Video se fokusira na smanjenje rizika, sigurniji seks, važnost testiranja i ističe ideju da svako može da dobije HIV i da svako može da pomogne u prevenciji.

HIV! Hey, it’s Viral

HIV: Hey, It’s Viral! is a groundbreaking sex-positive video addressing HIV/AIDS prevention and activism from youth perspectives. The video shows young people what HIV is, how it is transmitted, and how it can be prevented – all spun with a fun soundtrack and entertaining animations to illustrate the science of HIV/AIDS. Focusing on risk reduction, safer sex practices and the importance of testing, the movie stresses the idea that anyone can get HIV, and everyone can help prevent it.