

Kratki film
Macéo Bhardwaj
Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom)
Trajanje: 15 minuta

Celog života se suočavala sa nasiljem i diskriminacijom i zato Arijel, trans žena bez krova nad glavom gradi oko sebe zid oko sebe i u svoj život ne pušta nikoga jer je odbrana najbopja forma napada, zar ne. I tako je sve dok u njen život ne udje njen andjeo čuvar ˝Pol ˝.

maceo-bhardwajMaceo Bhardwaj

Macéo Bhardwaj živi u Londonu i glumi od svoje 12. godine i diplomirao je na Ravenscourt pozorišnoj školi 2003. Uspešno je stekao diplomu višeg obrazovanja 2007. godine pri Court pozorišnoj trupi za obučavanje i priznanje Britanske akademije za scenske borbe. O njemu najbolje govore nekoliko godina glumačkog iskustva u kome je igrao glavne uloge u reklamama, dugometražnim filmovima i velikom broju kratkih filmova kao i velikom broju predstava. Režiranju se okrenuo 2012. godine, počevši sa svojim prvim kratkim filmom Messenger, koji je napisao, producirao, režirao i glumio u njemu.

Macéo Bhardwaj aka Imperial Mace is a Londoner who has been acting since the age of 12 and graduated from Ravenscourt Theatre School in 2003. In 2007 he successfully completed his Diploma of Higher Education at the Court Theatre Training Company in 2007, which is also where he received his ALCM and BASSC distinction in stage combat. He boasts several years acting experience in which Macéo has starred in commercials, feature length films and a large number short films as well as theatrical performances etc. Having been on stage and screen for so many years, in 2012 Macéo turned his sights on to filmmaking. Starting with his first short film Messenger, which he wrote, produced, directed and acted in.


Short film
Director: Macéo Bhardwaj
UK (English with Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 15′

Having faced a lifetime of discrimination and abuse – Ariel, a homeless transwoman has created a wall around her and will not let anyone in. After all, defence is the best form of attack. That is until her guardian angel ‘Paul’ comes into her life.