Igrani film zasnovan na stvarnoj ličnosti Kristini koja u filmu glumi samu sebe. Kristina je transrodna seks radnica koja živi sa mačkom, sakuplja antikvitete i prolazi kroz sesije regresije bez hipnoze. Posle jedne seanse, slučajno upoznaje Marka i u tom trenutku se rađa platonska ljubav između ovo dvoje ljudi čiji slučajni susreti tek predstoje. U potrazi za antikvitetima, Kristina sve više otkriva hrišćanstvo i prihvata ga kao jedinu istinu. Marko prihvata Kristinu kao ženu, ali mu smeta što ona ne može da mu rodi decu.
Feature film based on the real person Kristina who plays herself in the film. Kristina is a transgender sex worker who lives with a cat, collects antiques and undergoes non-hypnotic regression sessions. After one session, she accidentally meets Mark and at that moment, platonic love is born between these two people whose random encounters are yet to come. In her search for antiques, Christina increasingly discovers Christianity and accepts it as the only truth. Mark accepts Christina as a woman, but he is upset that she can’t give birth to his children.