Ona je protagonistkinja
Subota, 10. decembar 16:00 Klubić Doma omladine Beograda
Protagonistkinja, prema svom imenu, predstavljena nam je u njenom prirodnom okruženju: džungli, nažalost, često bez gustine. Ali danas je dosta! Biti majka, sekretarica, ljubavnica, dadilja, flašica za bebe, sporedni deo glavnog muškog lika više nije dovoljno za našu dragu protagonistkinju! Stavljena na „mute“ nakon što je isteklo vreme predviđeno za ženske* likove u filmu, ona beži sa svojom drugaricom Voice-Over na novo putovanje sa puno humora.
She’s The Protagonist
The Protagonist, by her given name, is presented to us in her natural environment : a jungle, sadly, often lacking in density. But today enough is enough! Being the mother, the secretary, the lover, the nanny, the baby bottle, the side piece of the main male character is no longer enough for our dear Protagonist ! Put on “mute” after the allocated time for female* characters in a film was reached, she runs away with her friend Voice-Over for a new journey with plenty of humor.