Director / Režija: Jake Yuzna
Cast / Uloge: Jendeen Forberg, Daniel Luedtke
USA, 2010 (Teddy Award Winner 2010)
Trajanje/ Duration: 87 min.
Queer film „na putu“, transeksualna romansa. U svom filmskom debiju reditelj Jake Yuzna na spektakularan način kombinuje sve moguće permutacije roda. Jedan od glavnih likova u filmu je hermafrodit Cynthia. koja sretne Gen i Jaya, koji je upoznaju sa terminom pandrogonija,i ona naglo odlučuje da napusti muža i krene na put sa njima, put koji će je provesti kroz ostatke američkog sna u dvadesetom veku. Film je dobio Teddy Award na Berlinalu 2010.
A queer road-movie-transsexual romance. In his feature film debut, director Jake Yuzna spectacularly combines all kinds of gender crossing permutations. One of the film’s protagonists is the young hermaphrodite Cynthia. It’s not until Cynthia meets Gen and Jay, that she first hears the term pandrogony. She promptly leaves her husband and sets off with Jay and Gen on a road trip that takes her through what’s left of the American dream of the twentieth century. Film received Teddy Bear Award at Berlinale 2010.