Sva čudovišta su ljudi


Režija: Helen Spuner, Hju Dejvis
Zemlja: Velika Britanija
Trajanje: 21 minut
Kratki dokumentarni film

U septembru 2017. policija je izvela brutalne napade na LGBT zajednicu u Azerbejdžanu. Desetine ljudi je uhapšeno, a potom mučeno i silovano u zatvoru. Kao i mnogi drugi, Roma, Katrin i Liza su postale žrtve ovih policijskih racija i okrutnog postupanja. Pobegle su iz Azerbejdžana i našle utočište u Istanbulu. Kroz njihove narative i korišćenje originalne animacije, ovaj dokumentarac otkriva njihovu prošlost, kao i njihove strahove od budućnosti. LGBT osobe su jedna od najugroženijih grupa u Turskoj. Prema Romi, „Ovo nije život. Ovo je samo postojanje. ” Čak i u Istanbulu žive u svakodnevnom strahu da ih može zadesiti ista sudbina kao u domovini.

All Monsters Are Human

Directors: Helen Spooner, Hugh Davies
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Duration: 21 minutes
Short Documentary

In September 2017 the police carried out brutal attacks against the LGBT community in Azerbaijan. Dozens of people were arrested and subsequently tortured and raped in prison. Like many others, Roma, Katrin and Lisa fell victim to these police raids and suffered cruel treatment. They escaped from Azerbaijan and found refuge in Istanbul. Through their narratives and the use of original animation, this documentary reveals their past as well as their fears about the future. LGBT individuals are one of the most vulnerable groups in Turkey. According to Roma, “This is not a life. This is just existing.” Even in Istanbul they live in daily fear that they may suffer the same fate as in their homeland.