Trans Odiseja


Subota, 10. decembar 19:00 Sala Amerikana Doma omladine Beograda

Poslednji nastup kabarea Trans odiseja poklapa se sa nemirima u Čileu 18. oktobra 2019. Usred pobune, Anastasija se bori da ponovo ujedini bivše članove glumačke ekipe, ali Maraka, njena najbolja prijateljica, ne želi da nastavi da igra. Amnezija, filmski stvaralac i poslednja preostala umetnica u kompaniji, kreće na filmsko putovanje kroz snimke i intervjue grupe prijatelja koji iza sjaja, perja i perli otkrivaju svoje istorijske rasprave i složenost prijateljstva, nasleđa i kolektiviteta u ovom patrijarhalnom sistemu.

Travesti OdYssey

The last performance of Cabaret Travesía Travesti coincides with the social outburst in Chile on October 18th, 2019. Amid the uprising, Anastasia struggles to reunite the former members of a fractured cast, but Maraca, her best friend, does not want to continue with the play. Amnesia, a filmmaker and the last remaining artist in the company, embarks on a cinematic journey through footage and interviews of a group of friends who behind the glitter, feathers, and beads, reveals their historical disputes and the complexities of friendship, inheritance, and collectivity in this patriarchal system.