Dokumentarni film
Režija: Chad Hane
Kuba, SAD, 2020.
Trajanje: 84 minuta
Sniman tajno bez dozvole kubanske vlade, ovaj intimno epski dokumentarac se kreće između prošlosti i sadašnjosti i upoređuje teškoće sa kojima su se suočavale različite generacije LGBTQ osoba na Kubi. Transformeri predstavlja dirljivu priču o žrtvi, prijateljstvu i moći umetnosti da transformiše naš život.
Director: Chad Hahne
Cuba, USA, 2020
Duration: 84
Filmed covertly without permission from the Cuban government, this intimately epic documentary shifts between the past and the present, contrasting the struggles that different generations of lgbtq persons have faced in Cuba. Transformistas captures a moving story of sacrifice, friendship and the power of art to transform our lives.
Chad Hahne
Director: Chad Hahne has spent his career producing various projects for both film and television, including the Academy Award nominated film How to Survive a Plague and Emmy winning RuPaul’s Drag Race. He has produced television shows and content for MTV, Bravo, Discovery Channel, Conde’ Nast, The Food Network, VHI, Bravo, The Weather Channel and Comedy Central. Previously, he spent years in the Development and Production department at Hud:sun Media and The Weinstein Company. Recently, Chad has directed his artistic passion towards the creation of socially important documentaries.