Kratki film
Režija: Robert John Torres
SAD, 2019.
Trajanje: 12 min.
Delom eterski realizam, delom film o plesu, ovaj savremeni kratki film prati mladog čoveka koji se suočava sa mogućnošću HIV+ dijagnoze.
Short film
Director: Robert John Torres
USA, 2019
Duration: 12 min
Part work of ethereal realism, part dance film, this contemporary-set short follows a young man facing the probability of an HIV+ diagnosis.
Robert John Torres
Robert John Torres is a festival programmer and filmmaker living in Los Angeles, CA. He has previously worked at the Toronto International Film Festival, Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival, Tribeca Film Festival, and Nashville Film Festival. As a programmer he is particularly interested in short filmmaking, formal innovation, and world cinema. His narrative short film debut, an ethereal dance drama titled WRITHING, made its world premiere at Outfest Los Angeles LGBTQ Film Festival.