Englez u Njujorku (2009)
Režija: Richard Laxton
Uloge: John Hurt, Denis O’Hare, Jonathan Tucker, Cynthia Nixon, Swoosie Kurtz
Zemlja: UK
Trajanje: 75 minuta
John Hurt je prvi put glumio Crispa pre tridesetak godina u televizijskom filmu „Razgolićeni državni službenik“, koji je režirao Jack Gold po istoimenom autobiografskom romanu (Rende, 2005).
Prvi film je obrađivao Crispov život za vreme Drugog svetskog rata, dok još uvek nije bio poznat. S druge strane „An Englishman in New York“ prati Crispa na vrhuncu slave.
On je 1981. godine prihvatio poziv da se preseli i nastupa u Njujorku. Dok je boravio u Americi imao je status „resident alien“, kako je kasnije nazvao jedan od svojih romana. On je redovno nastupao po Americi, gde je izvodio svoj one-man šou „Kako biti srećan“. Jednog dana upoznao je novinara magazina „The Village Voice“, Phillipa Steela, s kojim se ubrzo sprijateljio. Ali jednim nesmotrenim komentarom u jednom intervjuu da je AIDS prosto hir, stvorio je puno neprijatelja i doveo do svađe sa Steelom. Film je nazvan po Stingovoj pesmi „An Englishman in New York“, posvećenoj Cripsu, koji se pojavljuje i u video spotu. John Hurt je za ovu ulogu dobio specijalnu Teddy Bear nagradu na Berlinskom filmskom festivalu.
An Englishman in New York (2009)
John Hurt played Crisp for the first time in in the television movie thirty years ago “The naked civil servant”, directed by Jack Gold according to autobiographical novel by the same name.
The film showed Crisp’s life during the World War II, while he wasn’t famous. On the other hand, “An Englishman in New York” follows Crisp at the highlight of glory.
In 1981, he accepted an invitation to move and perform in New York. While in America, he had the status of “resident alien”, as he later called one of his novels. He has regularly performed in the United States, where he performed his one-man show “How to be happy.” One day, he met the journalists of magazine The Village Voice, Phillip Steele and soon they became friends. He created a lot of enemies, with unwise comment in an interview that AIDS is simply a fad. That led to a quarrel with Steel. The film is named after Sting’ song “An Englishman in New York, dedicated to the Crisp, which appears in the video clip. John Hurt for this role won a special Teddy Bear Award at Berlin Film Festival.