I bleed



Kratki animirani film

Režija: Tiago Minamisawa, Bruno H Castro, Guto BR

Brazil, 2019.

Trajanje: 7 min.

Ispirisano istinitom pričom, “Krvarim” je intimna ispovest osobe koja živi sa HIV-om. Vrtlog emocija. Prvi osećaji. Animacija pokušava da demistifikuje probleme koji, do današnjeg dana, istraju u percepciji društva o ovom virusu.


Short animated film

Directors: Tiago Minamisawa, Bruno H Castro, Guto BR

Brazil, 2019

Duration: 7 min

Inspired by a true story, “I Bleed” is the intimate confession of a person living with HIV. Whirlwind of emotions. The first sensations. An animation film tries to demystify issues that, to this day, persist in society’s imagination about the virus.

Tiago Minamisawa

Produced and scripted the short film “Guida”, by Rosana Urbes, winner of the Jean-Luc Xiberras prize at “Annecy International Animated Film Festival” and of 5 prizes at “Anima Mundi International Animation Festival”. Also produced the short film “A Common Place”, winner of the grand jury prize at “Uruguay International Animation Festival”.

Bruno H Castro

Scripted and produced the short animated film “Guida”, by Rosana Urbes, winner of over 80 prizes in festivals around the world. Also scripted the documentary “O único com o nome EU” (The Only One Whose Name Is I) and the fiction feature-length film “Depois que você foi” (After You Went Away).

Guto BR (Co-direction)

In 2013 made his first short animated film, “Fuga Animada” (Animated Escape), still as a student and, since then, has been working as a storyboarder and art director for various TV series and feature-lenght films, including “Viajantes do Bosque Encantado” (Voyagers of the Enchanted Forest), the new film by Alê Abreu, the Oscar-nominated director of “O Menino e o Mundo” (Boy and the World).