Kenedi se zeni (2007)
Kenedi is Getting Married (2007)
Režija: Želimir Žilnik
Uloge: Kenedi Hasani, Salji Hasani, Beni Halitii, Max Steiner, Philipp Eisenmann, Sladjana Pavlica, Maksud Humo, Ethem Saygieder
Zemlja: Srbija
Trajanje: 80 minuta
„Kenedi se ženi“ je treći film u serijalu, koji je usledio nakong filmova „Kenedi se vraća kući“ i „Gde je Kenedi bio dve godine“. Kenedi je izgradio kuću i ušao u dug. Baveći se raznim poslovima, on i brat pokušavaju da vrate dug. Nadnica je deset evra, a izgledi za zaradu slabi. Kenedi se odlučuje i na ljubavne usluge, u zamenu za novac. Prvo sa vremešnim damama i udovicama, a zatim i sa imućnijim muškarcima. Saznavši za nove, liberalne zakone u EU, interesuje se za kontakte sa potencijalnim mladoženjom koji bi mu omogućio legalni status u Evropi. Nalazi Maxa, rađa se idila i čini se da je rešenje na pomolu…
Kennedy Is Getting Married (2007)
“Kennedy Is Getting Married” is the third film in the series, following the films “Kennedy Goes Back Home ” and “Where was Kennedy for two years”. Kennedy built a house and entered the debt. Doing various jobs, he and his brother are trying to return the debt. Wage is ten Euros, and prospects for earnings are weak. Kennedy decides to provide love services in exchange for money. First with elderly ladies and widows, and with wealthy men. Finding out about the new liberal laws in the EU he is interested in contacts with prospective groom who would ensure his legal status in Europe. He finds Max, idyll is born and it seems that the solution is in sight…