Margarita sa slamkom
Margarita, with a Straw (2015)
Režija: Shonali Bose, Nilesh Maniyar
Uloge: Kalki Koechlin, Revathy, Sayani Gupta
Jezik: Engleski, hindi
Titl: Srpski
Trajanje: 100′
NETPAC nagrada – Internacionalni Filmski Festival Toronto
Laila Kapur je vatrena, talentovana 19-godišnja devojka iz porodice srednje klase iz Delhija. Rođena je sa cerebralnom paralizom. Ona je u invalidskim kolicima i govor joj je oštećen. Laila je veoma bliska sa svojom majkom. Kao rezultat svojih napora, Laila odlazi na koledž na prestižnom Delhi Univerzitetu. A kada Lailino srce bude slomljeno, njena majka je ta koja joj omogućava da nastavi školovanje na Njujorškom univerzitetu. Ovde Laila upoznaje zivahnu Khanum – ženu sa oštećenim vidom. Uvek radoznala po pitanju seksualnosti, Laila doživljava putovanje koje prevazilazi njene najluđe snove. Naziva ga ,,predivim ali strašnim”. Suočava svoju majku sa novim istinama o sebi izazivajući time veliki sukob koji ih naglo razdvaja. Odjednom njen svet se ruši kada njena majka kolabira od bola. Sada Laila postaje ta koja neguje, a veza majke i ćerke biva stavljena na test.
Margarita, with a Straw (2015)
India (English, Hindi)
Directors: Shonali Bose, Nilesh Maniyar
Stars: Kalki Koechlin, Revathy, Sayani Gupta
Duration: 100’
NETPAC Award – Toronto International Film Festival
Laila Kapoor is a spunky, talented 19-year-old girl from a close knit middle-class Delhi family. She was born with cerebral palsy. Her speech is garbled and she sits in a wheelchair. Laila is very close to her mother, Shubhangini Damle. As a result of her efforts Laila goes to college in the prestigious Delhi University. And when Laila’s heart is broken, it is her mother who enables her to continue her education at New York University. Here Laila meets the feisty Khanum – a visually impaired woman. And the chilled out Jared. Always curious about sexuality, Laila undergoes a journey that is beyond her wildest dreams. She calls it “wonderful but scary”. She confronts her mother with her new truths about herself causing a huge conflict that rips them apart. Suddenly her world falls apart when her mother collapses in pain. Laila goes from being the cared to the carer – and the mother daughter bond is tested to the full.