Ovo je Katarina


Petak, 9. decembar 16:00 Klubić Doma omladine Beograda

U mladosti, Katarina počinje da misli da bi mogla biti gej. Da bi pronašla svoj seksualni identitet, ona se okreće filmovima i televiziji, a iz predstava stvara sliku o tome kakva treba da bude. Slika koja je daleko od stidljive i uplašene devojke kakva zaista jeste. Kroz sveznajući glas čujemo njenu priču, njene misli i osećanja, i učestvujemo u njenom putovanju da pronađe i oslobodi sebe. „Ovo je Katarina“ je lična priča zasnovana na iskustvima rediteljke. Ona priča priču o pronalaženju svog pravog ja i važnosti predstavljanja.

This Is Katharine

At a young age, Katharine starts thinking that she might be gay. To find her sexual identity, she turns to movies and tv, and from the representations she creates an image of how she should be. An image that is far from the shy and scared girl she really is. Through an all-knowing voice over we hear her story, her thoughts, and feelings, and we take part in her journey to find and to free herself. “This Is Katharine” is a personal story, based on the directors’ own experiences. It tells a story about finding your true self, and the importance of representation.