Kralj govori
Režiser: Chriss Lag
Francuska (Francuski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom)
Trajanje: 95min
Dreg kraljice i njihovi kabare nastupi su poznati u Francuskoj, ali dreg kraljevi su i dalje negde na marginama. Chriss Lag je putovala po celoj Francuskoj i upoznao je 22 dreg kralja i doveo ih pred nas. Pratimo njihove živote dok rade na sceni, vode radionice, uvek donoseći tonu zabave u svojim umetničkim i političkim pristupima svemu. Teško je zastupati tezu da rod nije društveni konstrukt, nakon gledanja ovih dreg kraljeva kako dekonstruišu svoju ženstvenu stranu i istražuju kodove muževnosti.
Chriss Lag
Kris Lag je režiserka, novinarka i fotografkinja. Nakon što je završila film i marketing, započela je karijeru kao filmska novinarka na radiju. Nakon toga radila je za časopise, veb sajtove i veb tv kanale kao novinarka i fotografkinja. Njeni igrani i dokumentarni filmovi izabrani su od strane internacionalnih filmskih festivala i emitovani na televiziji. U svom radu ona se fokusira na prezentovanje i položaj žena u društvu. Ona posebnu pažnju obraća na sve što preispituje, remeti i razotkriva tradicionalnu sliku žene, bilo to u umetnosti, medijima ili sportu.
Chriss Lag is a filmmaker, journalist and photographer. After studying film and advertising, she began her career as a movie columnist on the radio. She then worked with magazines, websites and web TV channels as a journalist and photographer. Her fiction and documentary films have been selected at international film festivals and broadcast on TV. The representation and position of women in society are at the heart of her work. She pays special attention to everything that questions, disrupts, and unravels the traditional image of women, whether in art, media or sports.
Parole de King
Director: Chriss Lag
France (French with English and Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 95’
Drag Queens and their cabaret shows are well-known in France, but Drag Kings still remain very much on the sidelines. Chriss Lag traveled all over France and met 22 Kings to bring them front and center. We follow them as they work the stage and lead workshops, always bringing fun into their artistic and political approaches. It’s hard to argue that gender isn’t literally a social construct after watching these Drag Kings explore the codes of masculinity and carefully deconstruct their own feminine codes.