Ne zovi me sine
Drama po istinitom događaju
Režiser: Anna Muylaert
Glavne uloge: Naomi Nero, Daniel Botelho, Daniela Nefussi
Brazil (Portugalski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom)
Trajanje: 82 minuta
Nagrade: Nagrada ˝Teddy˝ – Berlinale
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Nakon što otkrije istinu da je kao dete bio kidnapovan od strane žene za koju je sve vreme mislio da mu je majka, Pierre (sada Felipe) mora da se nosi sa posledicama onoga što je njegova majka učinila, kao i sa svojom biološkom porodicom.
Anna Muylaert
Rođena u Sao Paulu, Brazil 1964. godine. Između 1980. i 1984. godine studirala je umetnost i komunikacije na Univerzitetu u Sao Paulu. Onda je radila kao filmska kritičkarka na Brazilskoj televiziji. Njeni kratki filmovi imali su velikog uspeha na festivalima tokom 1990-ih. Snimila je do sada četiri igrana filma koji su dobili brojne nagrade. Njen film QUE HORAS ELA VOLTA? (Druga majka) dobio je Panorama nagradu publike na Berlinalu 2015. godine.
Born in São Paulo, Brazil in 1964, between 1980 and 1984 she studied art and communication at the University of São Paulo. She then worked as a film critic and for Brazilian television. Her short films successfully screened at festivals in the 1990s; she has since directed four feature films which have won a number of awards. In 2015, her film QUE HORAS ELA VOLTA? (THE SECOND MOTHER) won the Panorama Audience Award
Don’t Call Me Son
Drama based on a true story
Director: Anna Muylaert
Cast: Naomi Nero, Daniel Botelho, Daniela Nefussi
Brazil (Portuguese with English and Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 82′
Awards: Teddy – Berlinale
After discovering the truth about being stolen by the woman he thought was his mother as a child, Pierre (AKA Felipe) must deal with the consequences of his mother’s actions and must try to cope with his biological family.