Više od Boga


Režija: Kev Cahill
UK (Englski sa srpskim titlom)
Trajanje: 9 minuta

Kratka komedija sa radnjom u modernoj Irskoj, koja se bavi pokušajima religioznog doktora da otkrije navodnu ljubavnu aferu svoje žene, ali umesto toga se suočava sa rigidnošću religije u koju veruje, granicama ljubavi prema svojoj ćerki i njegovom doktorskom dužnošću da pokuša da oživi muža njene ljubavnice.

kev-cahillKevin Cahill

Nakon što je na Triniti koledžu diplomirao matematiku i kompjuterske nauke radio je kao di-džej za Red Bull, prodavao smutije na festivalima i imao visoko razvijenu kompaniju koja se bavila voćem. Zatim je slupao kombi i biznis je propao. Ovaj događaj ga je primorao da radi na filmovima naročito vizuelne efekte. Radio je na visoko budžetnim produkcijama kao što su Totalni opoziv, Tor, Igra prestola, Jupiter uzdizanje, Alisa u zemlji čuda. Eksperimentisao je sa svojim filmovima tako što je pravio i muzičke spotove za Lisu Hanigan i snimao kratke dokumentarce. Svoj prvi kratki film More than God režirao je 2015. godine. Film je dobio nekoliko nagrada uključujući i onu za najboljeg rezisera na Rhode Island International Film Festivalu.

After graduating with a maths and computer degree from Trinity College Kev worked as a DJ for Red Bull, sold smoothies at festivals and had a wholesale fruit company. Then he crashed THE van and broke the businesses. This forced him to start working in films, specifically in Visual Effects. He has worked on large budget productions like Total Recall, Thor, Game of Thrones, Jupiter Ascending, Alice in Wonderland. He has been experimenting with his own films making music videos for the likes of Lisa Hannigan and shooting short documentaries in New Zealand and Cuba. In 2015 he directed his first short film More Than God. The film has won a few awards including Best Director at the Rhode Island International Film Festival.

More Than God

Director: Kev Cahill
UK (English with Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 9′

A short comedy set in modern Ireland that follows the attempts of a religious doctor to uncover his wife’s suspected affair, but instead is confronted by the rigidity of his religion, the boundaries of his love for his daughter, and his obligation to resuscitate her lover’s husband.