Kratki film
Režija: Ilya Sherstobitov
Rusija, 2018.
Trajanje: 11 min.
N grad, Krim, danas. Seva i transseksualka Jenja su ljubavnici koji se tajno viđaju već duže vreme. Seva je zaista ozbiljan i želi da upozna Jenjinog sina Dimu. Dima je tinejdžer, on boksuje i aktivno učestvuje sa svojim prijateljima u borbama i sukobima protiv onih koji su različiti od njih. Nakon noći provedene sa Jenjom, Seva izlazi napolju da zagreje auto i sreće Dimu sa svojim nasilnicima. Pretpostavljaju da je Seva homoseksualac, pa ga napadaju. Momci se zaustavljaju tek nakon što čuju da Jenju kako vrišti.
Kratki film
Director: Ilya Sherstobitov
Russia, 2018
Duration: 11 min
N city, Crimea, present day. Seva and transsexual Jenya are lovers who have been secretly seeing each other for a long time. Seva is really serious and wants to get to know Dima – Jenya’s son. Dima is a teenager, he does boxing and actively participates with his friends in fights and wrangles against those who are unlike them. After the night spent with Jenya, Seva goes outside to heat the car and meets Dima with his bullies. They suspect Seva in being a homosexual, and so hit him violently. The boys stop only after they hear Jenya screaming.
Ilya Sherstobitov
Ilya Sherstobitov was born on 11.04.1976 in Moscow. Graduated from The Gerasimov Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK) and Moscow Region State University. In 2016 graduated from Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors (VKSR) as a film director. 2012 – 2014 worked as CEO of Moscow School of New Cinema. At the present moment produces his own projects.