Plavo nebo


Kratki film

Režija: Guido Verelst

Belgija, 2017.

Trajanje: 18 min.

Tom upoznaje Simona, kamerunskog izbeglicu preko aplikacije za upoznavanje. Imaju kratak ali strastven odnos… nadaju se da će pronaći bolji život, sreću i ljubav. Međutim, Tom shvata da ova veza ima ogroman uticaj na njegov život i primoran je da napravi težak izbor…

Skai Blue

Short film

Director: Guido Verelst

Belgium, 2017

Duration: 18 min

Tom meets Simon, a Cameroon refugee on a dating app. They have a short but passional relationship…they hope to find a better life, happiness and love. However, Tom realizes that this relationship has a huge impact on his own life and is forced to make a difficult choice…

Guido Verelst

After earning a Master’s in French literature at Antwerp University, Guido studied theater and film at the Université de Strasbourg. He earned a Master’s from Brussels Film School INSAS in directing. Since 2000, he works as a freelance director, editor, and producer under the name DEEP FOCUS.

