Golden beads
Zlatne perle
Kratki film
Režija: Milena Martinovic
SAD, 2019.
Trajanje: 4 min.
Vreme je festivala Mardi Gras u Nju Orleansu. Slavi se život, sloboda i svaki minut života. Kada devojka odluči da bude spontana i odvede drugu devojku kući, shvata da ne želi seks na jednu noć. Danima posle toga ona očekuje njenu poruku i shvata da je samo to iskustvo dovoljno vredno.
Golden beads
Short film
Director: Milena Martinovic
USA, 2019
Duration: 4 min
It’s Mardi Gras day in New Orleans. It’s a celebration of life, freedom and living in the moment. When a girl decides to be spontaneous and bring another girl home, she realizes she doesn’t just want casual sex. She waits for her text in the days after, realizing that having having had the experience is valuable enough in the end.
Milena Martinović
Milena is a Serbian filmmaker residing in New Orleans. She is currently in the Master’s program in film production at University of New Orleans. She is inspired by the intimate lives of women, and passionate about the unique city of New Orleans. She is especially excited to have a film playing in her hometown of Belgrade. You can follow her stories and future film projects on ig @nolilmilbutillstill.