Silly Puppy


Blesavo štene

Kratki film

Režija: Damian Brinley

Australija, 2019.

Trajanje: 4 min.

Blesavo štene ima mamurluk I pokušava da se oporavi uspomoć droge I pornića. Kada dejstvo prestane Štene stavlja masku I skejtom odlazi u srce grada. Slučajni susret mu pomaže da vidi da nije jedino štene u gradu. Kratki film, koji je režirao Austrlijanac Damian Brinley, Blesavo štene na razigran način istražuje kako je nekada potrebna sekunda susreta sa nekim ko je kao mi, da bi nas to podsetilo da nismo sami.

Silly Puppy

Short film

Director: Damian Brinley

Australia, 2019

Duration: 4 min

The Silly Puppy has a hangover and tries to distract himself with drugs and porn. When that wears off Puppy puts on his mask and skates into the heart of the city. A chance encounter enables him to see he is not the only puppy in town. A short film by Australian director Damian Brinley, Silly Puppy playfully explores how sometimes all it takes is a split-second of connection with one of our own kind to remind us we are not alone.

Damian Brinley

Damian Brinley is an artist based in Sydney Australia. Having produced Music Videos and TV Commercials in the 90s he finally decided to direct his own short film ‘Silly Puppy’ in 2018. Damian has a love of portraiture and Architecture and the outsider. His photography has been published and exhibited worldwide.