Kratki film
Režija: Antonis Glaros
Grčka, 2018.
Trajanje: 10 min.
Menis Nolakis, vojni oficir, je zarobljen u tamnoj kutiji. Shvatiće da je on zapravo u kovčegu, na dan svoje sahrane. On će neizbežno doći licem u lice sa svim bitnim ljudima u svom životu za poslednji susret… ali komplikacije su tik iza ugla… Hada.
Short film
Director: Antonis Glaros
Greece, 2018
Duration: 10 min
Menis Nolakis, an army officer, is trapped in a dark box. Soon he will realize that it is his coffin, on his funeral day. He will inevitably come face to face with all the important people of his life for the final encounter… and the twists and turns are just around the corner … of Hades.
Antonis Glaros
Born in Toronto – Canada. Lives and works in Athens. Currently following the MA postgraduate program “Video Production , Audio means and Animation Graphics” of the University of West Attica; “Chandelier” is his final MA thesis.