Ionuț and Călin


Ionuț and Călin

Kratki film

Režija: Sorin Poamă

Rumunija, 2018.

Trajanje: 18 min.

Osećanja se brzo menjaju. Ljubav postaje gubitak, da bi ponovo postala ljubav. Ionut i Calin su nedavno raskinuli. Kada se slučajno ponov sretnu, njihova se osećanja ponovo rađaju, zajedno sa napetošću koja ih je i razdvojila. Dva muškarca koja dolaze iz različitih svetova, odnos koji ih izvodi van njihovih granica.

Ionuț si Călin

Short film

Director: Sorin Poamă

Romania, 2018

Duration: 18 min

Feelings change quickly. Love becomes loss only to become love again. Ionuț and Călin have recently broken up. When they accidentally meet again, their feelings resurface, along with the tensions that drove them apart. Two men coming from different worlds, a relationship that takes them beyond their own limits.

Sorin Poamă

In 2007 Sorin graduated from the National University of Theatre and Cinematography in Bucharest, where he studied Acting. In 2010 he co-wrote with Vera Ion an autobiographical theatre play: “Ich Clown” the story of a young Romanian actor immigrating to Germany to work as a street artist. In 2010, alongside writer Vera Ion, he founded and started teaching in the “Write Yourself” workshop in Bucharest where participants write scripts documenting their personal stories. Here, Sorin started to direct short films, following stories developed in the workshop. In 2015, “A girl I went to school with” won the Villa Kult Residency Award at the Next IFF in Bucharest. In August 2016 Sorin is selected for the Sarajevo Talent Campus. In 2018 “Ionuț and Călin” is selected in the National Competition at the Transilvania IFF in Cluj and Next IFF in Bucharest where it receives the Award for Best Romanian Short Film. In 2019 Ionut and Calin was selected to be screened at the Cannes Court Metrage and received an Official Selection from the PÖFF Shorts Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn and the Pride Pictures Film Festival in Karlsruhe. It was also selected in competition at the Este Film Festival 2019 in Sibiu and the Gay Film Nights Film Festival in Cluj.