Memories of the body
Uspomene tela
Kratki film
Režiser: Kamilo Iguaran
Kolumbija, 2019.
Trajanje: 10 minuta
Tatjana održava lezbejsku vezu sa Karmen, mladom seljankom koja, poput nje, radi na plantaži kafe u svom selu. Veza koju održavaju je otkrivena i vesti se brzo šire selom, dopirući do ušiju naoružanih muškaraca koji prete Tatjani.
Memories of the body
Short film
Director: Camilo Iguaran
Colombia, 2019
Duration: 10
Tatiana maintains a lesbian relationship with Carmen, a young peasant girl who, like her, works in a coffee plantation on her village. The relationship they maintain is discovered and the news spreads through the village quickly, reaching the ears of the armed men who threaten Tatiana.