Moram nešto da ti ispričam


Režija: Andrija Mitrović
Zemlja: Srbija
Trajanje: 8 minuta
Kratki film

Nesiguran, uplašen i samodestruktivan mladić, koji je takođe žrtva seksualnog napada i silovanja, pokušava da se fizički preda, kako bi zadržao partnera Vladu, pored traume koja mu stoji na putu. Viktor se budi iz noćne more i pije lekove za smirenje, kada dobije poruku od partnera u kojoj ga poziva da prenoći. Viktor ignoriše poruku. Kasnije, dok šutira vreću, dobija novu poruku na koju odgovara. Od tog trenutka pokušava da se seksualno oslobodi, sam. Viktor pokušava da masturbira bezuspešno, testira se i simulira pokrete i dodire svog silovatelja dok nosi džemper u kome je bio silovan i svom partneru šalje erotsku fotografiju na koju dobija pozitivan odgovor, što ima još pozitivniji uticaj na njega. Dok se tušira i priprema za odlazak, Viktorovo samodestruktivno ponašanje ponovo izlazi na površinu i on se poseče brijačem. Viktor i Vlada zajedno gledaju serije, ali vrlo brzo postaju fizički bliski, napredak ka seksu prekidaju Viktorovi flešbekovi i još uvek postojeća trauma. Obojica odustaju od seksa i sede na ivici kreveta, Viktor kaže Vladi „Moram nešto da ti kažem“. Ostaju u toplom zagrljaju.

I need to tell you something

Director: Andrija Mitrovic
Country of Origin: Serbia
Duration: 8 minutes
Short films

Insecure,scared and self-destructive young man,who is also a victim of sexual assault and rape, is trying to give himself physically,in order to keep his partner Vlad,besides trauma which is standing on his way. Victor is waking up from the flashback nightmare and drinks the medications for calming,when he receives a message from his partner in which he is inviting him for a sleepover.Victor ignores the message.Later,while he is kicking the sack,he receives the new message on which he replies.From that moment he is trying to free himself sexually,on his own.Victor is trying to masturbate unsuccessfully,he is testing himself and simulates movements and touches of his insulter while wearing a sweater,in which he was raped and sends erotic photo to his partner,on which he receives positive respond,which has even more positive influence on him.While showering and preparing to go,Victor’s self destructive behavior comes to the surface again ,and he cuts himself with a razor.Victor and Vlad watch tv series together,but very soon they become physically close,progression towards sex is interrupted by Victor’s flashbacks and still existing trauma. They both give up on sex,and sit on the edge of the bed,Victor tells Vlad ”I need to tell you something”.They stay in a warm hug.