Hiljadu godina ljubavi


Kratki film

Režija: M. Noe

Mjanmar, 2017.

Trajanje: 10 min.

Wai Hnin i Ingyinn, dve mlade devojke iz Burme, se sreću slučajno i odmah osećaju obostranu privlačnost. Wai je nestalna, emotivna dok je Ingyinn mlada i zbunjena. Štaviše, Ingyinn je već verena za muškarca. Ali, kada privlačnost između devojaka postane jako očigledna, Ingyinn mora doneti odluku dok Wai mora da savlada svoju nestalnu prirodu.

A Thousand Years of Love

Short film

Director: M. Noe

Myanmar, 2017

Duration: 10 min

Wai Hnin and Ingyinn, two young girls in Burma, have a chance encounter and immediately are pulled together by a mutual attraction. Wai has a volatile, emotional personality and Ingyinn is young and confused. Moreover, Ingyinn is already engaged to a man. But when the attraction between the two girls becomes very apparent, Ingyinn must make a decision while Wai must rein in her own highly volatile emotion.

M. Noe

In addition to writing and consulting scripts, and occasional film making, M. Noe serves as a jury member at the Human Rights Human Dignity International Film Festival in Burma. Despite the political transition, the film censorship in Burma still bans sentimental and humanly portrayal of LGBT. This film is made in protest of such repressions.