


Kratki film

Režija: Audrey Biche

Francuska, 2018.

Trajanje: 10 min.

Starija žena pred kraj svog života se priseća godina provedenih u školi za devojke.


Short film

Director: Audrey Biche

France, 2018

Duration: 10 min

An elderly woman at the end of her life reminisces her years spent at a boarding school for girls.

Audrey Biche

Born in France and raised in the Caribbean, Audrey received her bachelors in Cinematography from EICAR in 2018. Her thesis film, ‘Adeline’, won the Albert R. Broccoli award at the French Cinémathèque. She plans to join the 8% of women directors and work towards equal representation and pay in film.