Kratki film
Režija: Nicolas Greinacher
Švajcarska, 2019.
Trajanje: 14 min.
Naša priča je smeštena u Švajcarskoj i prati Ayaneha, mladu migrantkinju iz Avganistana. Jednog dana na gradskom bazenu, ona upoznaje Annu i istog trenutka se zaljubljuje. Kako se veza između dve žene razvija, Ayaneh se suočava sa otporom od strane svoje religiozne porodice.
Short film
Director: Nicolas Greinacher
Switzerland, 2019
Duration: 14 min
Set in Switzerland, our story follows Ayaneh, a young refugee from Afghanistan. One day at a public swimming pool she meets Anna and instantly feels attracted to her. As the relationship between the two women develops, Ayaneh is confronted with growing resistance from her religious family.
Nicolas Greinacher
Nicolas is an award winning film director from Switzerland. His talent was discovered 2013 when he won the Directorial Discovery Award at the Rhode Island International Film Festival for his first short film. Since then, Nicolas’ films have screened at over 30 International Film Festivals, cinema, television and online streaming services.