Bruno Reidal – Ispovest ubice
Režiser: Vinsan Lepor
Zemlja: Francuska
Trajanje: 101 minut
Igrani film
Kantal, Francuska, 1905. U šumi koja okružuje njegovo rodno selo, mladi bogoslovac Bruno Reidal ubija dečaka nakon čega se odmah predaje vlastima. U zatvoru, na ispitivanju koje traje nedeljama, suočava se sa grupom od tri lekara koji pokušavaju da razumeju njegov smrtonosni impuls. Naređuju Brunu da se vrati u svoju prošlost pisanjem svoje životne priče, dok pokušavaju da identifikuju događaje ili anomaliju koja je mogla da dovede do takvog zločina.
Bruno Reidal: Confession of a Murderer
Director: Vincent Le Port
Country of Origin: France
Duration: 101 min
Feature Film
Cantal, France, 1905.
In the forest surrounding his native village, the young seminarian Bruno Reidal murders a boy before surrendering immediately to authorities. In prison, under interrogation for weeks, he faces a panel of three doctors attempting to understand his lethal impulse. They order Bruno to retrace his past by writing his life story, as they try to identify the events or the anomaly that could have led to such an atrocity.