

Režiser: Sesilija del Valje
Zemlja: Argentina
Trajanje: 77 minuta
Dokumentarni film

Ojaks Grandi, arhitekta iz grada Rosario, sa 48 godina odlučio je da postane Kanela. Ovaj film pripoveda o razdoblju u životu Kanele gde je ona rastrzana između toga da li da ode na operaciju promene pola ili ne. Sa tom zabrinutošću, počinje potraga. Konsultuje se sa zdravstvenim radnicima, svojim sinovima i starim prijateljima dok ne shvati nešto o svojoj želji što nije očekivala.


Director: Cecilia del Valle
Country of Origin: Argentina
Duration: 77 minutes

Áyax Grandi, an architect from the city of Rosario, at 48 he decided to become Canela. This film narrates the parenthesis in the life of Canela where she is torn between having gender reassignment operating surgery or not. With that concern, a search begins. She consults with healthcare professionals, her sons and old friends until she realizes something about her desire that she didn’t really expect.